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How do you develop a medical technology that actually qualifies as an innovation? Meet two of the Certus engineers and discover how their team creates critical care technologies that will change the future of trauma care.

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✔️#Burnout ✔️Cognitive Overload ✔️#Healthcare provider shortages Read the editorial 📖. Is #MedTech an underutilize… https://t.co/AVHg2VYRgY
EVAC Use Case 3️⃣: #Stroke 💔 800k+ ppl/yr suffer from stroke (U.S) 🦽 ⬆️ BP variability (BPV)=⬆️ disability post-st… https://t.co/CZ4mYsyhVX
EVAC Use Case 2️⃣: Cardiac Arrest 💔 600k+ ppl/yr suffer from cardiac arrest (U.S) ⏱️ Standard aortic occlusion=60%… https://t.co/jYqQx16YBk